Feline Vaccines Explained
In this post we will go over some common diseases and also make sure we have feline vaccines explained. We follow guidelines put forth by AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners. Rabies Rabies is transmitted through the exchange of blood or saliva from an infected animal. Cats are the number one domestic animal carrier of […]
Canine Core and Non-Core Vaccines Explained
We follow the AAHA vaccine protocol. This post will explain the difference between Canine Core and Non-Core Vaccines. Vaccines for canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis and rabies are considered core vaccines. Non-core vaccines are given depending on the dog’s exposure risk. These include vaccines against Bordetella (kennel cough), Influenza, Lyme, and Leptospira bacteria. Canine Core […]
What to do when your pet eats something toxic
Every pet owner has gone through this at some point in their pet-owning life. Your beloved pet eats something toxic. Your stomach drops, you panic and you have no idea what to do. You’re thinking the absolute worst. Call the Pet Poison Helpline Do NOT call your Veterinarian first. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy […]
Anti-Aging Pet Supplements
Gardens Animal Hospital carries a range of pet supplements and medications in its online pet pharmacy. The following are great anti-aging pet supplements for those looking to slow down the aging process with their pets and help provide them with health and a high quality of life. Krillex Joint Formula $45 With Krillex Joint Formula […]
Disaster Preparedness for your Pets
Sometimes we cannot see disasters coming, so it is important to have a plan in case they do. A bit of disaster preparedness for your pets can go a long way to make it easier if a disaster does happen. To get started, familiarize yourself with the types of disasters that could affect your area […]
Hot Weather Pet Safety Tips
Hot weather can be just as problematic for pets as it is for us. Here, we’ve compiled a list of hot weather pet safety tips to ensure your pets stay safe in the summer or hotter climates. Pets can become dehydrated quickly, be sure they have access to plenty of fresh, clean water. Do not […]
Help Your Pet Live Longer
Keeping your pet at a healthy weight will help your pet live longer by lowering their risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory disease, kidney disease, and even some forms of cancer. It can also reduce the risks of injury to bones, joints and muscles that are associated with excess weight. If your pet has […]
Aging Pet Care
Cats and dogs age much faster than people. In fact, most dogs and cats are considered “senior” by the time they are 7 years old. As your pet gets older, they can develop health issues associated with the aging process including dental problems, loss of vision or hearing, attitude changes, and/or arthritis. Additional issues can […]
Bufo Toad Dangers for Animals
It’s Bufo toad season in southern Florida! As summer approaches, and we are coming into the warmer and wetter months, we want to remind pet owners to be wary of Bufo toad dangers. This large toad is found commonly in south Florida, especially during the spring and summer, and can be extremely toxic, even deadly, […]
Brushing Pet Teeth – Pet Dental Care
Dental care is often one of the most glossed-over subjects in pet health but also one that often looks us straight in the face. How often does your dog or cat sneak up for a lick or sniff of your face and you get a whiff of their breath? One of the most effective ways […]